Routing: The Backbone of Networks

The CyberSec Guru

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Routing: The Backbone of Networks

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In the interconnected maze of the internet, data needs a trusty map to navigate from point A to point B. Enter routing – the process that determines the most efficient paths for data packets to travel across networks. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of routing, unraveling key concepts, providing examples, and shedding light on how to examine your device’s routing table.

The Routing Table

Routing Table
Routing Table

At the heart of every router lies the routing table. It’s essentially a database that stores routes to various network destinations. Here’s what a typical routing table entry contains:

Destination Network

  • The Target: This field specifies the exact network that the route is designed to reach. Network addresses are expressed in IP (Internet Protocol) format, typically in the familiar dotted-decimal format (e.g.,
  • Specificity: Destination networks can be incredibly specific or more broad. A route targeted towards a single machine would have a very precise destination network, whereas a route encompassing an entire organization’s internal network would need a less granular destination network address.

Subnet Mask

  • Address Decoding: The subnet mask acts like a filter, allowing the router to distinguish which part of an IP address identifies the network and which part specifies an individual host (machine) within that network. It also uses the same dotted-decimal format as IP addresses.
  • Subnet Calculation: Subnet masks often use the concept of CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation to express the size of the network portion of the IP address. A common example is a subnet mask of, which translates to a /24 CIDR prefix and means that the first 24 bits of the IP address represent the network.


  • The Next Step: The gateway field holds the IP address of the next router in line for forwarding the packet towards its destination. If the destination network is not directly connected to the current router, it needs to send the packet on to the next hop within the network.
  • Gateway of Last Resort: The default gateway (noted as is a unique case. This acts as a “catch-all” when a router finds no other specific route matching the destination address within its table.


  • Where the Rubber Meets the Road: The interface field identifies the specific physical (like an Ethernet port) or virtual interface (like a VPN tunnel) through which the router will send out the data packet. This is vital for directing traffic correctly within a device having multiple connections.


  • “Cost” Calculation: The metric is the heart of route selection. It is a numerical value reflecting the “cost” or desirability of a route. Different routing protocols can utilize a variety of factors in calculating the metric:
    • Hop count: In its simplest form, every router a packet must go through adds 1 to the hop count metric.
    • Bandwidth: Links with higher bandwidth (capacity) will often have a lower metric, as they’re generally faster.
    • Delay: Network latency (delay) is a factor, particularly for real-time applications like video or voice where responsiveness is paramount.
    • Reliability: Some metrics incorporate link reliability. Routes with fewer packet losses or errors are naturally preferable.
    • Load: Some advanced routing protocols can factor in the network traffic load on the link to make dynamic routing decisions.
  • Routing Protocol’s Impact: Each routing protocol (e.g., RIP, OSPF, BGP) has its own unique way of calculating metrics, resulting in diverse routing decisions across different networks.

Routing Table Examples

Directly Connected Networks

  • Plug and Play Routing: When a physical network interface on a router is connected to a network (via a switch or directly), the router inherently “knows” about that network. That knowledge is automatically translated into directly connected routes populated into its routing table.
  • Specificity: Directly connected routes usually have the highest preference because they involve no hops between the router and the destination network. This offers speed and reliability.
  • Example: Suppose your home router has an interface connected to your local network with an IP address range of It will automatically have a directly connected route for the network. Any device on this network can be reached directly without needing additional routing decisions.

Static Routes

  • Manual Route Mapping: Static routes are like manually drawn directions on a map. Network administrators explicitly configure them for a variety of reasons:
    • Small Networks: In small, simple networks where changes are infrequent, static routes can be an efficient and effective solution.
    • Specific Purposes: They might be used to force traffic to travel through a specific router or gateway, regardless of other routes. This can enhance security or control of specific data flows.
    • Troubleshooting: To test network reachability or create temporary fixes in the event of failures.
  • Configuration: To manually create a static route, the administrator needs to provide the destination network, subnet mask, and the gateway to use.
  • Drawbacks: Static routes require manual maintenance. In dynamic networks where devices and connectivity change frequently, maintaining static routes can become cumbersome and prone to errors.

Dynamic Routes

  • Network Gossip: Dynamic routes take the manual intervention out of route management. Routing protocols (think RIP, OSPF, BGP) act as the conversational tools routers use to communicate network information with each other.
  • Information Exchange: Routers running the same dynamic routing protocol regularly exchange updates about what networks they know about, along with metrics like cost and reliability. This enables routers to build comprehensive maps of the network topology.
  • Adaptability: As networks change (devices go offline, links fail, or new networks connect), dynamic routing protocols continuously adapt, creating a self-healing network environment. This minimizes manual work for network administrators.
  • Complexity in Scalability: While dynamic routing scales incredibly well, setting up and configuring these protocols can be more complex than managing static routes. Especially in large networks, they require skilled management.

Key Points

  • Coexistence: Routing tables often contain a mixture of directly connected, static, and dynamically learned routes.
  • Decision Process: When forwarding data, routers first search for highly specific routes. If absent, they’ll then look to more broadly defined routes and choose the best based on metric values.

Default Routing

Picture this: you write a letter, but the address is incomplete or unreadable. Where should the postal service send it? They often have a central ‘return to sender’ facility or one for ‘undeliverable mail’ to prevent endlessly circulating and un-deliverable items. Default routing operates on a similar principle.

Within the Network

  • Missing Entry: On a router, if a data packet has a destination IP address that doesn’t match any specific route listed in the routing table, it creates a problem. The device wouldn’t know where to forward that packet.
  • The Default Safety Net: The default route, signified by the destination network, is the ultimate catch-all. Essentially, this means “any and all destinations.” As it encompasses every possible IP address, it offers an instruction to the router for when no other routes apply.
  • Next Stop, Please: The default route has an assigned gateway address. So, instead of discarding the packet with the unknown destination, the router simply forwards it to this default gateway router. That router then takes over the task of trying to find an appropriate route.

Key Scenarios For Default Routing

  1. Small Networks: On a home or small office network with a single connection to the internet, the default route typically points to your internet service provider’s (ISP) gateway router. All internet-bound traffic lacking specific routes gets sent towards the ISP, who acts as the gateway to the broader internet.
  2. Large, Complex Networks: Within enterprises or complex networks, default routes often facilitate traffic destined outside of the immediate internal network. They may point to a gateway handling all “external” traffic.
  3. Stub Networks: A stub network has only a single exit point. Traffic within a stub network might not need complex routing. Here, a default route pointing to the sole exit gateway handles all cases where the destination resides outside the network itself.

Why a Catch-All Is Necessary

  • Manageable Route Tables: It would be practically impossible and unsustainable to have individual, specific routes for every possible IP address on the internet in every router’s routing table. The default route allows for network-wide efficiency.
  • Default = “Ask for Further Direction” For packets headed out onto the internet, your ISP typically has a more elaborate set of routes to consult. Essentially, the default route on your local device says, “I don’t have a path for this specifically, but please forward it to someone who might.”


  • Potential Traffic Bottlenecks: Over-reliance on default routing can create congestion points if too much traffic relies on the default gateway. This underscores the importance of well-designed routing structures in bigger networks.
  • Black Holes: If the default gateway, for any reason, becomes unreachable, any traffic dependent on the default route could be lost.

Routing Metrics

Routes aren’t all equal. Routing metrics help routers select the most optimal path. Let’s look at some common ones:

Hop Count

  • Simplicity at its Core: Hop count is the fundamental routing metric. Each router a packet traverses on its journey adds one to its hop count. Consequently, a route with fewer routers between source and destination naturally incurs a lower hop count.
  • Preference and Pitfalls: In simpler networks, routes with lower hop counts are often favored as they tend to indicate a shorter, potentially faster path. However, hop count might be misleading. Not all network links are created equal (more on that below). A direct path with 5 hops across slow connections might be less desirable than a route with 7 hops that use newer, high-speed links.


  • The Data Pipeline: Bandwidth represents the theoretical maximum amount of data a link can transfer per second. It’s typically measured in units like bits per second (bps), kilobits per second (Kbps), megabits per second (Mbps), or gigabits per second (Gbps). Think of it as the width of a highway: bigger highways with more lanes handle more traffic.
  • The Impact on Routing: High-bandwidth routes are naturally attractive, promising lower transfer times for large amounts of data. A file download will zip through a 100 Mbps link much faster than on a 10 Mbps link, all else being equal.
  • Caveats: Bandwidth alone doesn’t tell the whole story. A high-bandwidth connection experiencing congestion might perform worse than a slightly lower-bandwidth but uncongested path.

Delay (Latency)

  • The Enemy of Real-Time: Delay refers to the time a single packet takes to travel from source to destination. It’s typically measured in milliseconds (ms). Several factors contribute to delay:
    • Propagation Delay: The physical time it takes for signals to travel across wires or fiber optics, impacted by distance.
    • Processing Delay: Routers introduce delay to examine packets and decide where to send them.
    • Queuing Delay: Busy links can force packets to wait in a queue before transmission, contributing to delays.
  • Prioritizing Responsiveness: Delay is essential for real-time applications like video conferencing, online gaming, and Voice over IP (VoIP). A path with minimal delay ensures better interactivity and smoother communication, even if the bandwidth isn’t as high as alternative routes.


  • Consistency Matters: Reliability indicates how consistently packets reach their destination without losses or errors. Factors affecting reliability include:
    • Physical Link Problems: Faulty cables, damaged connectors, or electromagnetic interference can lead to packet corruption or loss.
    • Overloaded Links: Overburdened links tend to lose more packets due to insufficient capacity.
    • Software Bugs: Software issues on routers might lead to incorrect processing and packet loss.
  • Reliability Metrics and Preferences: Various metrics quantify reliability, like packet loss percentage or link availability (uptime). Reliable routes are favored for mission-critical applications where every bit of data matters, such as financial transactions or medical systems.

Key Takeaway

It’s important to remember that routing metrics don’t exist in isolation. Routing protocols usually employ a combination of these metrics, carefully weighted and calculated to create a composite “cost” for each route. Skilled network administrators tweak these calculations, prioritizing metrics to ensure the network meets the specific needs of different applications and user traffic.

Checking the Routing Table

Want to take a peek at your device’s routing table? Here’s how:


  1. Accessing the Command Prompt:
    • Search: This is the most common method. Click on the Start button or tap the Windows key, type “cmd” into the search bar, and press Enter.
    • Run Dialog: Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box. Enter “cmd” and press Enter.
    • File Explorer: Navigate to C:\Windows\System32. Locate the file “cmd.exe,” and double-click to open it.
  2. The route print Command:
    • Function: This command is specifically designed to retrieve and display the contents of your Windows device’s routing table.
    • Output: The route print command will produce a list of entries in your routing table. Each entry will contain information like the destination network, subnet mask, gateway, interface, and the associated metric.
Route Print Command
Route Print Command


  1. The Terminal:
    • macOS: You can find the Terminal in your Applications folder, within the Utilities subfolder. Alternatively, access it through Spotlight Search (Command + Spacebar), type “Terminal”, and press Enter.
    • Linux: The way to access the Terminal varies slightly depending on your Linux distribution. Usually, it can be found in the main application menu under a category like “System Tools” or “Accessories.”
  2. The netstat -r Command:
    • Broader Purpose: While more versatile than the Windows-specific route print, the netstat command (short for network statistics) provides various network information. With the -r flag, it displays the routing table.
    • Output: The output will generally present similar information to Windows, though the table’s visual layout and some terminology might differ slightly.
netstat -r Command
netstat -r Command

Commonalities & Details

  • Interpreting the Table: Remember the concepts we discussed earlier about entries in the routing table. This is where you’ll see them in action. Analyze the displayed routes to understand how your device is set up to communicate with different networks.
  • Permissions: On some systems, you might need to open the Command Prompt or Terminal with administrator privileges in order to run these commands successfully.
  • Filtering: Some advanced users may employ options within these commands to filter the routing table display for specific information.

Additional Considerations

  • Dynamic Updates: Most modern devices will use dynamic routing protocols, so the routing table can change over time in response to network conditions.
  • Customization: Advanced users can modify the routing table by adding/removing routes (usually for specific troubleshooting or networking scenarios).

In Conclusion

Routing underpins the seamless movement of data across networks large and small. Understanding routing tables, metrics, and different route types allows network administrators to make informed decisions, ensuring packets flow efficiently, reliably, and securely. As networks evolve, routing will continue to be a pivotal pillar of how we stay connected.

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