Comprehensive Nmap Cheatsheet: A Guide for Security Professionals

The CyberSec Guru

Comprehensive Nmap Cheatsheet

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In the realm of cybersecurity and network reconnaissance, Nmap stands as an indispensable tool for professionals and enthusiasts alike. Nmap, short for Network Mapper, empowers users to explore networks, discover hosts, and unveil valuable insights into network security posture. This comprehensive nmap cheatsheet and guide delve deep into the intricacies of Nmap, providing detailed explanations, command syntax, and practical examples to enhance your proficiency in network scanning.

Introduction to Nmap

Nmap, an open-source network scanning tool, offers a plethora of features designed to facilitate network exploration and security auditing. From basic host discovery to advanced service enumeration, Nmap equips users with a robust set of capabilities to assess network health, identify vulnerabilities, and fortify defenses against potential threats.

Understanding Nmap Command Structure

Before delving into the extensive Nmap commands and options, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamental structure of Nmap commands. An Nmap command typically follows the format:

nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] {target specification}
  • Scan Type(s): Defines the type of scan to be performed, such as TCP SYN scan, UDP scan, or comprehensive scan.
  • Options: Configures various parameters and behaviors of the scan, including timing, output format, verbosity, and more.
  • Target Specification: Specifies the target hosts or networks to be scanned, which can be individual IP addresses, IP ranges, hostnames, or CIDR notation.

Host Discovery

Host discovery serves as the initial phase of network reconnaissance, enabling users to identify active hosts within a given network range. Nmap offers multiple techniques for host discovery, each tailored to different network environments and scenarios.

Basic Host Discovery

nmap -sn {target}
  • -sn: Specifies the option for a ping scan, also known as a “ping sweep,” to discover live hosts without scanning ports.
  • {target}: Specifies the target IP address, hostname, or network range to be scanned.

Explanation: The basic host discovery scan utilizes ICMP echo requests, TCP SYN packets, and other probing techniques to determine the availability of hosts within the specified target range. It doesn’t attempt to scan ports but focuses solely on identifying live hosts.

Comprehensive Host Discovery

nmap -Pn -sS -PS -PA -PU -PE -PP {target}
  • -Pn: Treats all hosts as online, skipping host discovery phase.
  • -sS: Performs a TCP SYN scan to discover open ports.
  • -PS: Performs TCP SYN ping scan.
  • -PA: Performs TCP ACK ping scan.
  • -PU: Performs UDP ping scan.
  • -PE: Performs ICMP echo ping scan.
  • -PP: Performs ICMP timestamp ping scan.

Explanation: The comprehensive host discovery scan combines multiple ping and port scanning techniques to detect live hosts and open ports within the target network. It ensures thorough coverage and resilience against different network configurations and firewall rules.

Port Scanning

Once live hosts are identified, port scanning becomes imperative for enumerating services, identifying vulnerabilities, and assessing the security posture of target systems. Nmap offers various port scanning techniques, each optimized for different objectives and constraints.


nmap -sS {target}
  • -sS: Initiates a TCP SYN scan, also known as a “half-open” scan, to determine open ports without completing the full TCP handshake.
  • {target}: Specifies the target IP address, hostname, or network range to be scanned.

Explanation: The TCP SYN scan sends SYN packets to target ports and analyzes the responses to determine port states. It’s stealthy and efficient, making it ideal for quickly identifying open ports without establishing full connections.

TCP Connect Scan

nmap -sT {target}
  • -sT: Conducts a TCP connect scan, wherein Nmap establishes full TCP connections with target ports to determine their accessibility.
  • {target}: Specifies the target IP address, hostname, or network range to be scanned.

Explanation: Unlike the TCP SYN scan, the TCP connect scan completes the full TCP handshake with target ports. While less stealthy, it provides more accurate results and is suitable for scenarios where stealth is not a primary concern.

UDP Scan

nmap -sU {target}
  • -sU: Executes a UDP scan to identify open UDP ports and services on the target system.
  • {target}: Specifies the target IP address, hostname, or network range to be scanned.

Explanation: UDP scans are designed to probe UDP ports, which are commonly used by services such as DNS, DHCP, and SNMP. Unlike TCP, UDP is connectionless, making UDP scanning more challenging due to the lack of response guarantees.

Service and Version Detection

Beyond port enumeration, Nmap facilitates service and version detection to glean insights into the software running on open ports. By identifying service banners and version information, users can assess the potential security risks associated with running services and prioritize remediation efforts accordingly.

Service Version Detection

nmap -sV {target}
  • -sV: Enables service version detection, which involves analyzing service responses to determine their version numbers and characteristics.
  • {target}: Specifies the target IP address, hostname, or network range to be scanned.

Explanation: Service version detection leverages fingerprinting techniques to match service responses against a comprehensive database of known service signatures. It provides valuable information about the software versions and potential vulnerabilities associated with detected services.

Operating System Detection

In addition to service enumeration, Nmap offers capabilities for identifying the operating systems running on target hosts. By analyzing subtle differences in network stack implementations and responses to probing techniques, Nmap can infer the underlying operating system with remarkable accuracy.

OS Detection

nmap -O {target}
  • -O: Initiates operating system detection, wherein Nmap analyzes various network characteristics and responses to infer the underlying operating system.
  • {target}: Specifies the target IP address, hostname, or network range to be scanned.

Explanation: OS detection relies on a combination of techniques, including TCP/IP fingerprinting, packet TTL analysis, and response analysis, to deduce the operating system running on target hosts. While not infallible, OS detection provides valuable insights for network administrators and security professionals.

Scripting Engine: Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE)

Nmap’s Scripting Engine (NSE) empowers users to extend the tool’s functionality through custom scripts and plugins. NSE scripts are written in Lua and enable users to automate tasks, perform advanced vulnerability assessments, and conduct targeted exploitation against discovered services.

Running NSE Scripts

nmap -sC -sV {target}
  • -sC: Executes default NSE scripts bundled with Nmap, covering common enumeration and vulnerability checks.
  • -sV: Enables service version detection to provide context for script execution.
  • {target}: Specifies the target IP address, hostname, or network range to be scanned.

Explanation: By leveraging NSE scripts, users can automate repetitive tasks and perform sophisticated network analysis, including service discovery, vulnerability assessment, and exploitation. Nmap’s extensive library of NSE scripts caters to a wide range of security requirements and use cases.

Timing and Performance Optimization

Nmap offers flexible options for timing and performance optimization, allowing users to balance scan speed, accuracy, and stealth according to their specific requirements and constraints.

Timing Templates

nmap -T{0-5} {target}
  • -T{0-5}: Specifies the timing template for the scan, ranging from 0 (Paranoid) to 5 (Insane).
  • {target}: Specifies the target IP address, hostname, or network range to be scanned.

Explanation: Timing templates enable users to adjust scan intensity and aggressiveness based on the desired trade-offs between speed and stealth. Higher timing template values result in faster scans but may increase the risk of detection and disruption.

Output Formats and Reporting

Nmap offers versatile options for output formatting and reporting, allowing users to capture scan results in various formats for analysis, documentation, and dissemination.

Output to File

nmap -oN scan_results.txt {target}
  • -oN: Specifies the output file format as plaintext, suitable for easy parsing and analysis.
  • scan_results.txt: Specifies the filename for storing scan results.
  • {target}: Specifies the target IP address, hostname, or network range to be scanned.

Explanation: By redirecting scan output to a file, users can archive scan results, share findings with colleagues, and integrate scan data into broader security assessment workflows. Plaintext format facilitates compatibility with text processing tools and automation scripts.

XML Output for Integration

nmap -oX scan_results.xml {target}
  • -oX: Generates output in XML format, suitable for integration with third-party tools, frameworks, and security information and event management (SIEM) systems.
  • scan_results.xml: Specifies the filename for storing XML-formatted scan results.
  • {target}: Specifies the target IP address, hostname, or network range to be scanned.

Explanation: XML output provides structured representation of scan data, enabling seamless integration with vulnerability management platforms, threat intelligence feeds, and custom analysis pipelines. XML format supports extensibility and interoperability across diverse toolchains and environments.


Nmap stands as a cornerstone of network reconnaissance and security assessment, empowering users with a comprehensive suite of scanning techniques, analysis tools, and automation capabilities. By mastering Nmap’s command syntax, understanding its underlying principles, and exploring its diverse feature set, security professionals and enthusiasts can elevate their proficiency in network exploration, vulnerability assessment, and threat detection. With this detailed cheatsheet and guide, you’re equipped to navigate the complexities of network scanning with confidence and precision.

This extensive cheatsheet and guide provide a comprehensive overview of Nmap’s capabilities, command syntax, and practical applications in network reconnaissance and security assessment. From host discovery and port scanning to service enumeration and scripting automation, Nmap offers a versatile toolkit for exploring networks, identifying vulnerabilities, and fortifying defenses against potential threats. With this detailed resource at your disposal, you’re empowered to harness the full potential of Nmap and elevate your proficiency in network scanning and security assessment.

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