Unlocking Admin On AT&T 4G-LTE Router: A Step-by-Step Guide

The CyberSec Guru

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Unlocking Admin On AT&T 4G-LTE Router

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Today, we’re diving deep into a locked-down AT&T LTE router. AT&T doesn’t want users to be able to configure and control this device. By the end of this guide, we’ll take control and empower users to manage their devices freely. This tutorial will take you through each step in meticulous detail, covering everything from hardware exploration to software manipulation. Whether you’re a seasoned hacker or a curious novice, you’ll find valuable insights here.

The Problem

I found this device in an e-waste bin, but it’s clear that many AT&T business customers are frustrated. They can’t log into the web interface to change wireless settings on a router they purchased. AT&T’s support suggests the Wi-Fi credentials are on the back of the router, but these are not the login credentials for the router’s administrative interface. Normally, owning a router means having the ability to log in and make changes, but AT&T’s specific firmware prevents this.

The router itself is a Data Remote product, modified with custom firmware by AT&T to lock users out of advanced settings. Our goal is to regain access by figuring out the system’s login credentials.

AT&T customers infuriated because of no admin access
AT&T customers infuriated because of no admin access
Admin login page of AT&T 4G-LTE router manufactured by Dataremote
Admin login page of AT&T 4G-LTE router manufactured by Dataremote

Exploring the Hardware

Inside of the AT&T Router
Inside of the AT&T Router

Opening the Device

Let’s begin by opening up the router and examining the internal components. To do this, we need a set of screwdrivers and possibly some plastic prying tools to avoid damaging the casing. Once opened, we can identify the main components:

  1. CPU: The central processing unit of the router, responsible for executing instructions.
  2. DRAM: The dynamic random-access memory, which is volatile and used for temporary storage while the router is operating.
  3. Flash Chip: Non-volatile memory that stores the firmware and settings.

Unlike standard Wi-Fi routers, this device includes a cellular modem and a SIM card slot, enabling internet access via LTE. It also has POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) connections, though these are likely unused in the AT&T configuration, which focuses on LTE.

Our primary focus will be to gain access to the web interface, ignoring the LTE portion for now. My eyes are drawn to a set of five pins on the board, likely a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) connection.

Main components of the router
Main components of the router

Identifying the UART Pins

To identify the UART pins, we’ll use a multimeter. The UART interface typically consists of four or five pins:

  1. GND (Ground)
  2. VCC (Power)
  3. TX (Transmit)
  4. RX (Receive)
  5. CTS/RTS (Clear to Send/Ready to Send) – optional

First, we’ll find the ground pin by checking continuity with shielded components, which are always grounded. I discover that the leftmost and rightmost pins are ground. Next, I switch to voltage mode to identify the transmit (TX) and receive (RX) pins. By probing the middle three pins while powering the device, I find that the middle pin fluctuates between 0 and 3.3 volts, indicating it is the transmit pin. The pin to its left is the receive pin.

UART Pins of the Router
UART Pins of the Router

Connecting to the UART

Using a standard UART USB cable, I connect ground to the rightmost pin, receive to the middle pin (board’s TX), and transmit to the left pin (board’s RX). The connections are as follows:

  1. GND (Ground): Rightmost pin.
  2. RX (Receive): Middle pin (board’s TX).
  3. TX (Transmit): Left pin (board’s RX).
UART Connections Made
UART Connections Made

Setting Up the Terminal Program

With the hardware setup complete, it’s time to interact with the device via a terminal program. We’ll use picocom, a terminal emulation program suitable for serial communication. The command to initiate the connection is:

picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0

Here, -b 115200 specifies the baud rate (115200 bits per second), and /dev/ttyUSB0 is the device file for the UART USB cable on a Linux system. The baud rate might vary depending on the device, but 115200 is a common default for many embedded systems.

Booting the Device

Upon booting, the device outputs a stream of information to the terminal. This output is crucial for understanding how the device operates. Key points include:

  1. Boot Command Options: Often displayed at the beginning, allowing us to interrupt the boot process.
  2. Kernel Command Line: Shows parameters passed to the Linux kernel during boot.
  3. Partition Table: Displays start and end addresses of flash partitions.
Terminal output while booting up the router
Terminal output while booting up the router

The output mentions changing the password for “super admin,” hinting at a possible username. However, no login prompt appears, suggesting the need to explore the bootloader further.

Possible superadmin user
Possible superadmin user

Entering the Bootloader

Interrupting the Boot Process

To enter the bootloader, reboot the device and press the indicated key (often ‘4’ or another number) during the boot sequence. This interrupts the boot process and provides access to the U-Boot bootloader. U-Boot is an open-source bootloader commonly used in embedded systems. It allows us to execute commands to interact with the hardware at a low level.

Interruption of Boot Process
Interruption of Boot Process

Exploring U-Boot Commands

Once in the U-Boot prompt, we can explore the available commands by typing help:


This lists all commands supported by the bootloader. The spi command stands out, indicating the ability to interact with the flash memory.

Reading Flash Memory

Understanding Flash Memory Layout

Flash memory on embedded devices is often divided into partitions, each serving different purposes (e.g., bootloader, kernel, root filesystem, configuration data). Understanding the layout is crucial for extracting relevant data. The partition table output during boot provides this information, showing start and end addresses.

Using the spi read Command

To read the flash memory, we use the spi read command. First, we test it with small reads to confirm it works, then proceed to read the entire “config_back” partition, which appears to contain interesting data. The partition’s start and end addresses are used to calculate the length in hexadecimal.

For example, if the “config_back” partition starts at 0x1F00000 and ends at 0x2100000, the length is:

spi read 0x1F00000 0x200000

The command reads data from the specified address range and outputs it to the terminal.

SPI Read Command Output
SPI Read Command Output

Extracting and Parsing Data

Capturing UART Output

To capture the output, redirect it to a file. In picocom, use the logging feature:

picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0 -l

This logs all terminal output to a file for further analysis.

Logging to a file
Logging to a file

Converting Hex Dump to Binary

Using a text editor, prepare a Python script to parse the UART output, converting it from hex dump to binary format. The script processes the file line by line, ensuring correct byte formatting.

Here is the Python script:

pythonCopy codeimport sys

def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("Usage: python hex_to_bin.py <input_hex_file> <output_bin_file>")

in_fname = sys.argv[1]
out_fname = sys.argv[2]

with open(in_fname, 'r') as f_in, open(out_fname, 'wb') as f_out:
for line in f_in:
data = line.strip().split()
for d in data:
if len(d) == 1:
d = '0' + d

if __name__ == '__main__':

Save the script as hex_to_bin.py and run it with the captured UART output file and a desired output file name:

python hex_to_bin.py uart_output.txt out.bin

This script reads the hex values from the captured output and writes the corresponding binary data to out.bin.

Output of the Python code
Output of the Python code

Analyzing Binary Data

Using the strings Command

To search for readable text within the binary file, use the strings command. This command scans binary files for ASCII text strings, which can reveal useful information such as usernames and passwords:

strings out.bin | grep -i admin

This command filters the output to show lines containing the term “admin”, case insensitive.

Superadmin Username and Password
Superadmin Username and Password

Logging into the Web Interface

With the extracted credentials (e.g., “super admin” and the corresponding password), attempt to log into the router’s web interface. This typically involves:

  1. Connecting to the Router: Use an Ethernet cable or connect to its Wi-Fi network.
  2. Accessing the Web Interface: Open a web browser and navigate to the router’s IP address, usually something like
  3. Entering Credentials: Use the extracted “super admin” credentials to log in.
Successfully logged in to router superadmin
Successfully logged in to router superadmin

Detailed Steps and Commands

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

  1. Identify UART Pins:
    • Use a multimeter to find ground pins.
    • Probe for TX and RX pins by checking voltage fluctuations.
  2. Connect UART Cable:
    • Ground: Rightmost pin.
    • Receive (RX): Middle pin.
    • Transmit (TX): Left pin.
  3. Setup Terminal Program:
    • Use picocom with baud rate 115200:bashCopy codepicocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
  4. Boot Device and Observe Output:
    • Look for boot options and kernel command line.
    • Note partition table addresses.
  5. Enter Bootloader:
    • Reboot and press 4 during boot.
    • Explore U-Boot commands:bashCopy codehelp
  6. Read Flash Memory:
    • Test spi read command with small reads.
    • Read entire “config_back” partition:bashCopy codespi read 0x1F00000 0x200000
  7. Extract and Parse Data:
    • Use Python script to convert hex dump to binary:pythonCopy codeimport sys def main(): in_fname = sys.argv[1] out_fname = sys.argv[2] with open(in_fname, 'r') as f_in, open(out_fname, 'wb') as f_out: for line in f_in: data = line.strip().split() for d in data: if len(d) == 1: d = '0' + d f_out.write(bytes.fromhex(d)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
  8. Analyze Binary Data:
    • Use strings command to find readable text:bashCopy codestrings out.bin | grep -i admin
  9. Login to Web Interface:
    • Use extracted credentials to log in.

Successfully logging into the router with the “super admin” credentials, I regained control over the device. This process demonstrates the importance of understanding both hardware and software aspects when dealing with locked-down devices.

Final Thoughts

This comprehensive guide demonstrates the process of unlocking a locked-down AT&T LTE router. By understanding the hardware, leveraging UART connections, and using software tools to parse and analyze data, we can regain control over such devices. This approach not only empowers users but also highlights the importance of open and accessible technology.

Appendix: Troubleshooting and Tips

Common Issues and Solutions

  1. No Output on UART:
    • Ensure the ground pin is correctly connected.
    • Verify the baud rate settings.
    • Check for loose connections or damaged cables.
  2. Bootloader Access Denied:
    • Try different keys to interrupt the boot process.
    • Check documentation for the specific router model.
  3. Invalid Credentials:
    • Double-check the extracted data.
    • Ensure no extra spaces or characters were copied.

Advanced Techniques

  1. JTAG Interface:
    • For deeper hardware access, consider using JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) debugging. This requires more specialized equipment but offers greater control over the device.
  2. Custom Firmware:
    • Consider installing custom firmware (e.g., OpenWRT) for enhanced features and control. This involves compiling and flashing the firmware, which can be risky.
  3. Reverse Engineering:
    • Use reverse engineering tools like binwalk and ghidra to analyze the firmware and uncover hidden functionalities or vulnerabilities.

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